Thursday, March 24, 2011

The 10-weeks-services

I've completely no idea how to start this.

OK lets start with the first day- 2nd Jan 2011 :
  • Gathered round at Stadium Likas, Kota Kinabalu.
  • Registered.
  • Naik bus, go KKIA. ( get 15bucks for that day haha ). P/S: mummy cried :'(
  • Reached airport, queued up for ticket, go for FOOD =D (McD, like what we always do).
  • On plane, sleep. (blasted with music Haa ! )
  • Landed at KLIA, waited blankly for 3-4hours. fml.
  • Naik bus again, headed to Kem PLKN Jugra Banting, Selangor.
  • Reached around 11pm. Supper.
  • Registered. (wtf so many registration)
  • Back to dorm according to company - Bravo 1.
So overall finished manage everything around...12++ am. Damnnn effin' tired.


Idk what to type edy haha ^^"


Tadaaa.. the soft toy that I sleep with every night ^^
(it's my Valentine's gift from my hub :D ) giggle.

Emo Jojo missing his daddy haha


ok meet my pillow which i brought all the way from KK.
(frankly, without it i can't sleep :\ )

so ya, my paradise in NS - the BED =D

Locker. tidy lehh xD (only for snapshot).

wuhuu i love this, my refrigerator !
we ( Eska , Vicky and Sarah ) stored our food here :D

Weeeell, as you can see at below - extraordinary public phone !!
(just because it is FOC so it's extraordinary :) seriously, FOC. literally ok ).

So people always hog on this phone, just this.

Wondering why everyone sitting outside ?
Answer :
  1. Sucks line - our camp has the most sucky line ever. still outdoor line will be better ;)
  2. It's SUNDAY ! - usually we need to hand in our phone on sunday, 7.45pm sharp ! if not we'll get punishment, which you have to wear full-loreng for idk how long, depends on the trainer's mood ;)
  3. Nice weather - it's more windy to stay outside ;)


Oh oh this is memorable ! Flee to temple HAHA !
Damn im pro weyh ! totally risk my life ok ?
too much GUTS ! xD this is so Eska Sea HAHAHAHHA (vain once in awhile) !
omg i love this tree, is a wish-tree, where people jot down their wishes and hopes on a piece of paper and then hang on it ;) damn romantic

I kinda miss her :')

Look at my PT cloth haha can you see the hidden heart in it ?
lovely ♥ !

Meet my boss. He's BALD hahaha !
this is the last sunday for him :( he's upset. sitting forlornly. poor baby :'(
Whisper : i stalked you xD ! (told you im pro haha)

High in the sky singing wuuuu~
I miss Ns's lifee.

Ain't not the rules and regulation, ain't not the places tho. Is the people that i miss.
Thank you for my dearest friends who helped me when i need their helps, who cheered me up when im down, who supported me when im forlorn, who forgave me when i did something that pissed them off, who bare with my unbearable shit attitudes. Thank you so much. Thank you for accept me as what i am. sincerely. I heart you guys

Alas , Song of us :

Man Bai - Kau ilhamku

Caramel - Tinggal Kenangan

Samsons - Kenangan Terindah

Click HERE for more photos.

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