Saturday, August 13, 2011

Durian ♥

It's been awhile that I've been craving for Duriaaaan P: And i finally had the chance to taste it ! Things i wanna highlight is, unlimited D24 Durian for F.O.C ! Yes just believe your eyes, is freaking F.O.C : B ! *erherm , special for Utarians that stay in section 17* :P 

Okay Camwhore time ! 

ignore my look, i look like some kind of ah ma with the funny hand bag like ready to pasar hahaha

Yi Xian - roommate

Shiang Ling - Housemate 

So yummy right P: ? seriously it is free of charge ! you just need to grab as much as you can. And now im stuffed :P happy day with housemate,full of satisfaction haha. Well click Durian to know more about it ;) ! Good luck.

Q & A :
1) Eska, why you dressed up like ah ma ? 
Ans : Because someone told me it's gonna be eating in a durian farm, to avoid mosquitoes, so yea (:

2) Do you put make up ?
 Ans : NO ? Im there for durian. what for ? (: 

3) Is that your dinner ? 
Ans : Frankly, i didn't even take breakfast and lunch before that. So Durian is all i eat for the whole day (:

4) Location ?
Ans : Titiwangsa (: 

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