Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cupcakes ♥

Cupcakes day! Muahahaha here's a mini tutorial for 'How To Make A Cupcake'
( okay many a few cupcakes, ahh whatsoever. )

First you have to prepare a tray where can put all your paper cups (:
Err wait, no. First you have to prepare all of the ingredients ((: !

Okay to be frank idk how to bake so might just get one all-in-one flavored flour and perhaps you just need some oil or butter and some ingredients like icing for topping. Done. 

So for me im gonna sneak some mini Oreo into the cupcakes.

Urghh this bitch just wouldn't rotate !

So yea pour your flour add some oil


 and eggs. 

You may add in raisin if you want, for extra flavoring (: 

Next, place the mini Oreo in it, 

Now pour the flour that you had stirred. 

And there you go (:

Put into oven and heat up. 

Follow the temperature as shown, and wait about 15-20mins (:

So while waiting for it you can now prepare the ganache. 

Mhmmm Nutella, sex in your mouth P: teehee. 

Looks like it's almost done. mmm~ i can smell that lemon P: drool*

seriously damn poser, haha.

Bring it up closer to see how beautiful the color is. 

wuuu look at that fudging Nutellaaaaaaa. 

You might need these for deco. 

So pretty, so yummy. 

Imagine if you can have the baby blue cupcakes, N'awww :') 

P/S: sorry for the inconvenient photos, i just couldn't rotate them :( i mean i rotated in the album, but then when i upload it's like..nothing, sigh :( sorry. Enjoy (: !

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