Saturday, December 18, 2010

Boudoir ♥

People will wonder wth is the word Boudoir (my blog's tittle) mean. thank you BRYAN for gave me some idea what to post. p/s: he required to mention his name =P Ss right ? nahh told u bryannn lalalaa xD


so for a clearer explanation,


read as:

[boo-dwahr, -dwawr]

noun :

a woman's bedroom or private sitting room

origin :

from French, literally : room for sulking in, from bouder to sulk

picture :

error- so sorry there is no any boudoir-type photo of mine =/ i ain't a miss-boudoir yet leh~
but here's a photo of a bedroom which i kinda fancy =D

you may go for this web if u fancy or interested more about BOUDOIR

if those information above still cant fulfill you, google it ! =D

if you still cant understand of it ah... i really.. speechless. i will buy u some flowers. ==

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