Saturday, December 18, 2010


WHAT ?! national service ?? yeaaaaaaaa so fortunate im the one who being selected =.= Im the selected one man ! toto 3D 4D 6D never ever kena, ns (national service) sekali nia try terus kena wth. Oh yeaa.. it kinda remind me of a cartoon...

tadaa TOTALLY SPIES =D (they are selected too.tehee)

In SPM my english paper 2 (essay), required us to write a letter to your cousin about the benifits of ns . there are few points given so u just need to elaborate it and u will get marks. I was like.. kinda betraying my conscience when i wrote about how goooooooooodness of the ns was ='{. Neahhh... ns wasn't that good. plus i have to go so far for it.. zzz...

Ns spoiled my plans and holiday trip == made me wasted 2 air tickets. one is for vacation another is for my CNY celebration (which i suppose to back to peninsula). See it ? wtf.

so... i guess i wont be update my blog for THREE months due to the lummox-activities organized by government. but nevermind.. take it as a challenge ! =D so sooner or later i will be like...


1.dull and dark, uneven-tone skin.

2.rough and full of acne,pimples or zits whatsoever this is so irritating.

3. COMBO !!
as you can see before (A) and after (B).
die la me this time.. gonna have this type of skin during CNY..
i guess there is no need of neither firework nor firecracker anymore. i can produce free for them (from my face.) F.O.C lagi. it will go like KAa-bOoM anytime.

i heard certain ppl said no sunblock or any skin care is allowed to bring in =O
good luck for me.

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