Thursday, December 9, 2010

short update - Dinnnnneerr ♥

Idk why, i just like to put [♥] so much.. Muahahahaha. i can put it as many as i want

Owwh-kay back to the point !
On 4/12/twenty-O-ten, hmm.. I dined..i ? us ? we ? ok we ! We dined at idk-what-it-call-restaurant.

here we come..
show u so yum-yum-food Muahahahaa

Obviously, Mr.Crab !! ♥

This one is nice =D just that it is always not enough to fulfill me =/

OH GG this one !! Not delicious ~.~ do not order. (failed)

This one used to be very delicious =D ! the "used to" is approximately 5 years ago =/ (epic failed)


Oops ! closed my eyes..

*Wink* but still i look fugly.. =.=

camwhoring MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA *blush*

Evidently i need to gain some weight.. -.-

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